Rigid Heddle Weaving
We offer two course options for rigid heddle weaving:
1. Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom for Beginners
With Ali Hurlburt
Want to get started weaving on a rigid heddle loom? These are perfect for those looking to start weaving on an affordable, portable loom that can get you weaving quickly. This course walks step by step through the process of creating a project from beginning to end, using audio slideshows with clear photos and illustrations. From learning the parts of your loom to tying fringe on a finished piece, this course has everything you need to get started. The course includes a pattern for weaving your first scarf. Take the stress out of weaving with this friendly, thorough introduction!
2. Next Steps in Rigid Heddle: Colour, Pattern, Texture
With Ali Hurlburt
There is so much you can do with a rigid heddle loom! It can be hard to know where to get started once you’re ready to branch out beyond simple plain weave projects. This course covers how to use colour, pattern, and texture to expand your rigid heddle horizons. Using audio slideshows, we talk through the theory behind each element, then move onto tips and tricks for how to put your new knowledge into practice. The course includes three projects, one for each module, that will let you learn with your hands as well as your head. Learn pick-up sticks, colour-and-weave, different finishing techniques, and how to plan colour gradients!