Gather Textiles Project Blog

  • Weaving for Knitters

    Weaving for Knitters

    Let me tell you a secret about weavers: we are all knitters. Or at least former knitters, for the most part. Weaving is usually at least someone’s second or third...

    Alison Hurlburt |

  • Patterns and Plants: A Collaboration with Megan Samms

    Patterns and Plants: A Collaboration with Megan Samms

    Gather is absolutely thrilled to be featuring patterns from Megan Samms, a weaver, regenerative farmer and natural dyer in Katalisk Sipu (Cordroy Valley, Newfoundland). Through her business Live Textiles, Megan...

    Alison Hurlburt |

  • Crackle Weave

    Crackle Weave

    There are lots of reasons why we are excited to be featuring crackle weave this spring! Crackle is an incredibly versatile style of weaving from a design perspective, allowing you...

    Gather Textiles |

  • A weaver and a printmaker walk into a bar...

    A weaver and a printmaker walk into a bar...

    We wish. Last week, Brianna Tosswill and I sat down in our separate studios to have a chat about A Tactile Notion, and more broadly how our creative practices overlap.

    Gather Textiles |

  • Choosing Your First Loom

    Choosing Your First Loom

    Looms are a big part of what makes weaving so much fun. They are beautiful, often complex, always fascinating pieces of equipment. As you weave, you get to know your...

    Gather Textiles |

  • Where Can My Rigid Heddle Loom Take Me?

    Where Can My Rigid Heddle Loom Take Me?

    Rigid heddle looms are a great entry point into the world of weaving. Brand new weavers can quickly whip off a pile of beautiful projects on a Cricket or a...

    Alison Hurlburt |

  • Weaving for Holiday Gifts

    Weaving for Holiday Gifts

    Being a maker around the holidays is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s the perfect opportunity to share your weaving with family and friends. Nothing beats a handmade...

    Alison Hurlburt |